Webinar: Introduction to Wireless Threat Intelligence
Brett Walkenhorst, CTO, Bastille
In today’s ever-connected world, enterprise network connections are rarely, if ever, simple. With the significant presence of personal and portable devices in enterprise spaces, your network’s potential attack surface grows exponential. To address the risk introduced by unknown devices entering your organization, you need continuous visibility into all wireless activity within your space.
This is where Wireless Threat Intelligence comes into play. Wireless Threat Intelligence provides this necessary wireless visibility to organizations. This not only allows for insight into wireless activity within your space, but also for increased analytic capabilities through the use of historical data, thus allowing for better informed incident response plans and ultimately a more robust security posture for your organization.
In this webinar our CTO, Brett Walkenhorst, Ph.D., will answer questions such as:
What is “Wireless Threat Intelligence”?
Why is Wireless Threat Intelligence Relevant to My Organization?
How Does Bastille Help Organizations Address Their Wireless Threat Intelligence Needs at Various Levels?
Dr. Brett Walkenhorst, CTO at Bastille and former Director of the Software Defined Radio Lab at Georgia Tech