Management Team
Chris Risley has over 25 years of software business experience during which he has led nine venture-backed startups resulting in one IPO and four sales to public companies. Most recently Risley was CEO of Defense.Net which sold to F5 Networks. Prior to this Chris was Chairman of StreamBase which sold to TIBCO. Risley was also CEO of Digital Reef until it was acquired by TransPerfect in late 2012. Before that Risley was CEO of Nominum, Inc., Chris’ background also includes service as CEO of NewChannel, an eBusiness service provider sold to LivePerson, and as Chairman and CEO of ON Technology Corp., a network security software provider acquired by Symantec.
Dr. Walkenhorst is the CTO of Bastille where he leads R&D efforts to enhance product performance and add new capabilities. He has over 20 years of experience as a technology leader in RF systems and signal processing. Prior to Bastille, he led and executed R&D efforts at Lucent Bell Labs, GTRI, NSI-MI Technologies, Silvus Technologies, and Raytheon Technologies. His experience includes RF system design, communications systems, antenna design/testing, radar, software-defined radios, geolocation, and related topics. He has authored over 70 publications including papers, articles, and reports, has taught numerous graduate, undergraduate, and professional short courses, and has served as an expert witness on multiple occasions. He is a senior member of IEEE and has served as the Chair of the Atlanta Chapter of the IEEE Communications Society.
For more than a decade, Dr. Bob Baxley has been a technology leader in implementing machine learning algorithms for software defined and cognitive radios. At Bastille, Bob serves as Chief Scientist where he leads the development of systems to sift through massive amounts of radio frequency data to protect enterprises from radio threats. Prior to joining Bastille, Bob was the Director of the Software Defined Radio Lab at Georgia Tech, where he led basic and applied research projects for organizations including NSF, ONR, Army, DoD, Air Force and DARPA. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers and patents, is the receipt of various research awards, and is a Senior Member of the IEEE. He also led the GTRI team that competed in the DARPA Spectrum Challenge and placed second out of 90 teams.
Christian Sepulveda is VP Engineering at Bastille Networks, leading engineering and product management teams. Christian was previously one of five partners who built Pivotal Labs from 20 developers to 2,000 developers. As VP Corporate Development, Christian negotiated the sale of Pivotal Labs to EMC and stayed through the sale and transition. Christian brings deep knowledge of Security, Networking, SaaS, Scalability and Web Application Delivery to the Bastille team. While at Pivotal, Christian worked with several government agencies, and led the Fedramp Certification Processes for Pivotal on a number of projects.
Betty Kayton has over 25 years of experience in the technology industry, as a key member of the executive team at a number high-growth, venture-funded startups including Dropbox, Dropcam, Neato Robotics, Defense.Net, Mojave Networks, Vuclip, and Leapfrog Toys, to name a few. Her contributions include strategic planning, fundraising expertise, and building appropriate infrastructure without stifling growth. Betty was certified as a CPA while working at Ernst & Young.
Ivan has more than 20 years of sales, marketing, and business development experience in the security software industry, including executive roles at one company that completed an IPO and six that were sold to public and private companies. Ivan joins Bastille from F5 Networks which he joined when they acquired, the massively scalable DDoS SaaS service to form the basis of their Silverline cloud security platform. Prior to that, he held executive roles including at Metalogix Software (Secure Enterprise Content Management), StreamBase (Real-Time Complex Event Processing), Clearswift (maker of MIMEsweeper) and ON Technology (acquired by Symantec).